Saturday, 31 December 2011


Amount of Mulberries V/s Daily Nutrients
  • 48kg of Mulberries = 12000IU of Vitamin A.
  • 2.5kg of Mulberries = 22mg of Vitamin E.
  • 1kg of Mulberries = 80mcgs of Vitamin K.
  • 260g of Mulberries = 95mg of Vitamin C.
  • 5.2kg of Mulberries = 1.5mg of Vitamin B1.
  • 1.5kg of Mulberries = 1.5mg of Vitamin B2.
  • 2.9kg of Mulberries = 18mg of Vitamin B3.
  • 4kg of Mulberries = 2mg of Vitamin B6.
  • 10kg of Mulberries = 600mcgs of Vitamin B9.
  • 3.1kg of Mulberries = 1200mg of Calcium.
  • 2.3kg of Mulberries = 420mg of Magnesium.
  • 1.8kg of Mulberries = 700mg of Phosphorus.
  • 1kg of Mulberries = 2000mg of Potassium.
  • 3kg of Mulberries = 300mg of Sodium.
  • 5kg of Mulberries = 3mg of Copper.
  • 810g of Mulberries = 15mg of Iron.
  • 11.2kg of Mulberries = 70mcgs of Selenium.
  • 12.5kg of Mulberries = 15mg of Zinc.
Health Benefits

Visit here for the Health benefits of Mulberries 


    Amount of Apple V/s Daily Nutrients

    • 22.3kg of Apple = 12000IU of Vitamin A.
    • 12.2 kg of Apple = 22mg of Vitamin  E.
    • 3.6kg of Apple = 80mcgs of Vitamin K.
    • 2.1kg of Apple = 95mg of Vitamin C.
    • 8.8kg of Apple = 1.5mg of Vitamin B1.
    • 5.8kg of Apple = 1.5mg of Vitamin B2.
    • 19.8kg of Apple = 18mg of Vitamin B3.
    • 8.2kg of Apple = 5mg of Vitamin B5.
    • 4.9kg of Apple = 2mg of Vitamin B6.
    • 20kg of Apple = 600mcgs of Vitamin B9.
    • 20kg of Apple = 1200mg of Calcium.
    • 8.4kg of Apple = 420mg of Magnesium.
    • 6.4kg of Apple = 700mg of Phosphorus.
    • 1.9kg of Apple = 2000mg of Potassium.
    • 30kg of Apple = 300mg of Sodium.
    • 11.1kg of Apple = 3mg of Copper.
    • 12.5kg of Apple = 15mg of Iron.
    • 14.3kg of Apple = 5mg of Manganese.
    • 37.5kg of Apple = 15mg of Zinc.

    Health Benefits        
    • Apple is very rich in dietary fibers (2.4g/100g), Which helps Colon from Cancer.

      Wednesday, 28 December 2011

      Sweet Lime / Mausambi

      Amount of Mausambi V/s Daily Nutrients.
      • 3.7kg of Mausambi = 22mg of Vitamin E.
      • 487g of Mausambi = 80mcgs of Vitamin K.
      • 931g of Mausambi = 95mg of Vitamin C.
      • 2.2kg of Mausambi = 1.5mg of Vitamin B1.
      • 2.8kg of Mausambi = 1.5mg of Vitamin B2.
      • 6.1kg of Mausambi = 18mg of Vitamin B3.
      • 1.3kg of Mausambi = 5mg of Vitamin B5.
      • 2.7kg of Mausambi = 2mg of Vitamin B6.
      • 1.6kg of Mausambi = 600mcgs of Vitamin B9.
      • 12kg of Mausambi = 1200mg of Calcium.
      • 3.5kg of Mausambi = 420mg of Magnesium.
      • 1.9kg of Mausambi = 700mg of Phosphorus.
      • 847g of Mausambi = 2000mg of Potassium.
      • 10kg of Mausambi = 300mg of Sodium.
      • 1.9kg of Mausambi = 3mg of Copper.
      • 5kg of Mausambi = 15mg of Iron.
      • 4.2kg of Mausambi = 5mg of Manganese.
      • 14kg of Mausambi = 70mcgs of Selenium.
      • 4.3kg of Mausambi = 15mg of Zinc.

      Health Benefits         

      Tuesday, 27 December 2011


      Amount of Acerola V/s Daily nutrient Requirements
      • 1.6kg of Acerola = 12000IU of Vitamin A.
      • 5.8g of Acerola = 95mg of Vitamin C.
      • 7.5kg of Acerola = 1.5mg of Vitamin B1.
      • 2.5kg of Acerola = 1.5mg of Vitamin B2.
      • 4.5kg of Acerola = 18mg of Vitamin B3.
      • 1.6kg of Acerola = 5mg of Vitamin B5.
      • 22kg of Acerola = 2mg of Vitamin B6.
      • 4.3kg of Acerola = 600mg of Vitamin B9.
      • 10kg of Acerola = 1200mg of Calcium.
      • 2.3kg of Acerola = 420mg of Magnesium.
      • 6.4kg of Acerola = 700mg of Phosphorus.
      • 1.4kg  of Acerola = 2000mg of Potassium.
      • 4.3kg of Acerola = 300mg of Sodium.
      • 3.5kg of Acerola = 3mg of Copper.
      • 7.5kg of Acerola = 15mg of Iron.
      • 11.7kg of Acerola = 70mcgs of Selenium.
      • 15kg of Acerola = 15mg of Zinc.
      Health Benefits
      • It is rich in Vitamin C, 
      • It is boost Immunity.
      • It protects from Free radicals.
      • It protects from Scurvy, Heart disease, Stroke and Cancers like Lung, Mouth, Throat, Colon, Stomach and Esophagus.
      • It lowers Blood pressure.
      • It prevents Atherosclerosis, High Cholesterol, Congestive Heart Failure and Angina Pectoris.
      • It lowers the Lead Toxicity (increasing Lead leads to Low IQ, High Blood pressure and Kidney damages).
      • It ensures good Heart rate and Blood pressure (Potassium).

        Monday, 26 December 2011

        Black Plum / Java Plum / Indian Blackberry

        Amount of Java plum V/s Amount of Daily Nutrients
        • 400kg of Java plum = 12000IU of Vitamin A.
        • 664g of Java plum = 95mg of Vitamin C.
        • 25kg of Java plum = 1.5mg of Vitamin B1.
        • 12.5kg of Java plum = 1.5mg of Vitamin B2.
        • 6.9kg of Java plum = 18mg of Vitamin B3.
        • 5.3kg of Java plum = 2mg of Vitamin B6.
        • 6.3kg of Java plum = 1200mg of Calcium.
        • 2.8mg of Java plum = 420mg of Magnesium.
        • 4.1kg of Java plum = 700mg of Phosphorus.
        • 2.5kg of Java plum = 2000mg of Potassium.
        • 2kg of Java plum = 300mg of Sodium.
        • 7.9kg of Java plum = 15mg of Iron.

        Health Benefits

        • It is rich in Vitamin C, 
        • It is boost Immunity.
        • It protects from Free radicals.
        • It protects from Scurvy, Heart disease, Stroke and Cancers like Lung, Mouth, Throat, Colon, Stomach and Esophagus.
        • It lowers Blood pressure.
        • It prevents Atherosclerosis, High Cholesterol, Congestive Heart Failure and Angina Pectoris.
        • It lowers the Lead Toxicity (increasing Lead leads to Low IQ, High Blood pressure and Kidney damages).
        • It prevents Cataracts (an Eye disease causing Blurry Vision).

        Lime / Lemon

        daily nutrient Requirement V/s Lime
        • 54kg of Lime = 12000IU of Vitamin A.
        • 14kg of Lime = 22mg of Vitamin E.
        • 179g of Lime = 95mg of Vitamin C.
        • 3.75kg of Lime = 1.5mg of Vitamin B1.
        • 7.5kg of Lime = 1.5mg of Vitamin B2.
        • 18kg of Lime = 18mg of Vitamin B3.
        • 2.6kg of Lime = 5mg of Vitamin B5.
        • 2.5kg of Lime = 2mg of Vitamin B6.
        • 5.4kg of Lime = 600mcgs of Vitamin B9.
        • 4.6kg of Lime = 1200mg of Calcium.
        • 52.5kg of Lime = 420mg of Magnesium.
        • 1.4kg of Lime = 2000mg of Potassium.
        • 15kg of Lime = 300mg of Sodium.
        • 8.1kg of Lime = 3mg of Copper.
        • 2.5kg of Lime = 15mg of Iron.
        • 16.7kg of Lime = 5mg of Manganese.
        • 25kg of Lime = 15mg of Zinc.

        Visit here for the Daily Values of Nutrients

          Health Benefits        

          • It is rich in Dietary fiber.(2.8g/100g)
          • 8% of its Juice is Citric acid, Citric acid helps to dissolve Kidney Stones and aids Digestion.
          • It is rich in Vitamin C, 

          Visit here for the Health benefits of Lemon

          Friday, 23 December 2011

          Custard Apple

          Custard apple V/S daily Nutrient requirements
          • 36kg of Custard apple = 12000IU of Vitamin A.
          • 494g of Custard apple = 95mg of Vitamin C.
          • 1.5kg of Custard apple = 1.5mg of Vitamin B1.
          • 1.5kg of Custard apple = 1.5mg of Vitamin B2.
          • 3.6kg of Custard apple = 18mg of Vitamin B3.
          • 5kg of Custard apple = 5mg of Vitamin B5.
          • 1kg of Custard apple = 2mg of Vitamin B6.
          • 4kg of Custard apple = 1200mg of Calcium.
          • 2.3kg of Custard apple = 420mg of Magnesium.
          • 3.3kg of Custard apple = 700mg of Phosphorus.
          • 523g of Custard apple = 2000mg of Potassium.
          • 7.5kg of Custard apple = 300mg of Sodium.
          • 2kg of Custard apple = 15mg of Iron.
          Health Benefits                                                 
          • It protects from Colon Cancer.
          • It is good for Vision, Healthful for Skin and Mucus membrane and Protects from Lung and Oral Cancers (Vitamin A).
          • It boost Immunity and protects from Free radicals (Vitamin C).

          Visit here for the Health benefits of Custard Apple 

                Sapota / Sapodilla

                Sapota in kg v/s Daily Nutrients
                • 20kg of Sapota = 12000 IU of Vitamin A.
                • 646g of sapota = 95mg of Vitamin C.
                • 2.5kg of Sapota = 1.5mg of Vitamin B1.
                • 7.5kg of Sapota = 1.5mg of Vitamin B2.
                • 9kg of Sapota = 18mg of Vitamin B3.
                • 1.9kg of Sapota = 5mg of Vitamin B5.
                • 5.4kg of Sapota = 2mg of Vitamin B6.
                • 4.2kg of Sapota = 600mcgs of Vitamin B9.
                • 5.7kg of Sapota = 1200mg of Calcium.
                • 5.8kg of Sapota = 700mg of Phosphorus.
                • 1kg of Sapota = 2000mg of Potassium.
                • 2.5kg of Sapota = 300mg of Sodium.
                • 3.4kg of Sapota = 3mg of Copper.
                • 1.8kg of Sapota = 15mg of Iron.
                • 15kg of Sapota = 15mg of Zinc.

                Health Benefits
                • It protects from Colon Cancer.
                • It is rich in Tannin (antioxidant poly-phenolic compound ), Which shows Anti-inflammatory, Anti-viral, Anti-bacterial, Anti-parasitic, Anti-diarrheal and Homostati (Stop bleeding) properties.
                • It is good for Vision, Healthful for Skin and Mucus membrane and Protects from Lung and Oral Cancers (Vitamin A).
                • It boost Immunity and protects from Free radicals (Vitamin C).
                • It maintains good metabolism in Body.

                  Thursday, 22 December 2011

                  Amla / Embic / Indian Gooseberry

                  The amount of nutrients v/s amount of Amla
                  • 13.6g of Amla = 95mg of Vitamin C.
                  • 5kg of Amla = 1.5mg of Vitamin B1.
                  • 3kg of Amla = 1.5kg of Vitamin B2.
                  • 10kg of Amla = 18mg of Vitamin B3.
                  • 9.6kg of Amla = 1200mg of Calcium.
                  • 2.6kg of Amla = 700mg of Phosphorus.
                  • 3.1kg of Amla = 15mg of Iron.

                  Health Benefits               
                  • It is very rich in Vitamin C.
                  • It is boost Immunity.
                  • It protects from Free radicals.
                  • It protects from Scurvy, Heart disease, Stroke and Cancers like Lung, Mouth, Throat, Colon, Stomach and Esophagus.
                  • It lowers Blood pressure.
                  • It prevents Atherosclerosis, High Cholesterol, Congestive Heart Failure and Angina Pectoris.
                  • It lowers the Lead Toxicity (increasing Lead leads to Low IQ, High Blood pressure and Kidney damages).
                  • It prevents Cataracts (an Eye disease causing Blurry Vision).


                    Amount of nutrients Serve by the Amount of Coconut
                    • 2.8kg of Coconut = 95mg of Vitamin C.
                    • 2.2kg of Coconut = 1.5mg of Vitamin B1.
                    • 7.5kg of Coconut = 1.5mg of Vitamin B2.
                    • 3.3kg of Coconut = 18mg of Vitamin B3.
                    • 1.6kg of Coconut = 5mg of Vitamin B5.
                    • 3.7kg of Coconut = 2mg of Vitamin B6.
                    • 2.3kg of Coconut = 600mcgs of Vitamin B9.
                    • 8.5kg of Coconut = 1200mg of Calcium.
                    • 1.3kg of Coconut = 420mg of Magnesium.
                    • 619g of Coconut = 700mg of Phosphorus.
                    • 561g of Coconut = 2000mg of Potassium.
                    • 617g of Coconut = 15mg of Iron.
                    • 1.36kg of Coconut = 15mg of Zinc.
                    Visit here for the Daily Values of Nutrients
                      Amount of Nutrients from Coconut Water

                      • 3.9kg of Coconut Water = 95mg of Vitamin C.
                      • 5kg of Coconut Water = 1.5mg of Vitamin B1.
                      • 2.6kg of Coconut Water = 1.5mg of Vitamin B2.
                      • 22.5kg of Coconut Water = 18mg of Vitamin B3.
                      • 11.6kg of Coconut Water = 5mg of Vitamin B5.
                      • 6.25kg of Coconut Water = 2mg of Vitamin B6.
                      • 20kg of Coconut Water = 600mcgs of Vitamin B9.
                      • 5kg of Coconut Water = 1200mg of Calcium.
                      • 1.68kg of Coconut Water = 420mg of Magnesium.
                      • 800g of Coconut Water = 2000mg of Potassium.
                      • 285g of Coconut Water = 300mg of Sodium.
                      • 7.5kg of Coconut Water = 3mg of Copper.
                      • 5kg of Coconut Water = 15mg of Iron.
                      • 3.5kg of Coconut Water = 5mg of Manganese.
                      • 15kg of Coconut Water = 15mg of Zinc.
                        Health Benefits

                        • Cytokinins (Kinetin and Trans-Zeatin) in coconut boost Anti-ageing, Anti-carcinogenic, Anti-thrombotic effects.
                        • It is better for Diarrhea.
                        • Coconut Water reduces the fluid loss in Gastrointestinal track.
                        • It is very good for Digestion and Metabolism.
                        • Coconut is a rich source of Phosphorus, It makes Bone formation and growth, Pevents Osteoporosis, It fueling the digestion of Vitamin B2 and B3, Keeping Kidneys in normal condition, It removes Weakness, Numbness and Fatigue, Maintains proper Brain Functions, Protein formation, Hormone balancing, Cell repair ..
                        • Coconut is a good source of Potassium, It prevents Stroke, maintain Blood sugar, maintains Muscle function and Optimal nerve, Reduces muscle Cramps, very related to Brain functions like Memory, Learning and Electrical conductivity, It maintains Blood pressure and Heart rate, acts as Stress buster, good for Heart and Kidney, regulates Water balance and Boosting Nervous system.
                        •  Coconut is a good source of Iron, It is in the formation of Hemoglobin, Supplies Oxygen for Muscle contraction, important for Brain Development and Function, prevents Restless Leg syndrome, Regulating body Temperature, Carries Oxygen, Prevents Anemia, Provides strength to the Immune system, ..
                        • sodium is very very rich in Coconut water, Which is need For Water balance, prevents Sunstroke, Brain functioning, prevents Muscle Cramps, Anti ageing factor, eliminates excess Carbon dioxide, maintains Glucose absorption, Maintains acid-base balance, Regulation of fluids, Ion balancing and maintains healthy Heart.

                            Wednesday, 21 December 2011


                            Pineapple is a good Source of Manganese. and our daily requirements with Pineapple is given below.
                            • 20kg of Pineapple = 12000IU of Vitamin A.
                            • 110kg of Pineapple = 22mg of Vitamin E.
                            • 114kg of Pineapple = 80mcgs of Vitamin K.
                            • 198g of Pineapple = 95mg of Vitamin C.
                            • 1.8kg of Pineapple = 1.5mg of Vitamin B1.
                            • 8.3kg of Pineapple = 1.5mg of Vitamin B2.
                            • 3.5kg of Pineapple = 18mg of Vitamin B3.
                            • 2.4kg of Pineapple = 5mg of Vitamin B5.
                            • 1.78kg of Pineapple = 2mg of Vitamin B6.
                            • 3.3kg of Pineapple = 600mcgs of Vitamin B9.
                            • 9.2kg of Pineapple = 1200mg of Calcium.
                            • 3.5kg of Pineapple = 420mg of Magnesium.
                            • 8.75kg of Pineapple = 700mg of Phosphorus.
                            • 1.83kg of Pineapple = 2000mg of Potassium.
                            • 30kg of Pineapple = 300mg of Sodium.
                            • 2.7kg of Pineapple = 3mg of Copper.
                            • 5kg of Pineapple = 15mg of Iron.
                            • 539g of Pineapple = 5mg of Manganese.
                            • 70kg of Pineapple = 70mcgs of Selenium.
                            • 12.5kg of Pineapple = 15mg of Zinc.

                            Health Benefits
                              • It is rich in Soluble fiber (Pectin).
                              • It contains a proteolytic enzyme (Bromelain), Which increse the protein absorption of Intestine.
                              • It can prevent Arthritis, Indigestion and Worm infestation.
                              • It maintains Integrity of Blood vessels, Skin, Organs and Bones by Collagen synthesis (Collagen is a Structural protein which is Synthesized by Vitamin C in body).
                              • It offers protection from Scurvy, Arteriosclerosis, Stomach Ulcer and Cancer and Boosts Immunity (Vitamin C).
                              • It protects from Lung and Oral Cancers (flavanoids).
                              • It maintains good Heart rate and Blood Pressure (Potassium).
                              • It ensures Bone formation, Thyroid functioning, formation of Connective tissues, Sex hormone functioning, Absorption of Calcium, healthy functioning of Brain and Nervous system, prevention of Osteoporosis, prevents Epilepsy, regulation of Blood Sugar, mechanism of Fat and Carbohydrate and Immune functions (Manganese).

                                Tuesday, 20 December 2011

                                Cashew Apple (without Nut)

                                The nutritional requirements v/s amount of Cashew apple in kg/g is given below. Here most of the constituents are unavailable.
                                • 253g of Cashew apple = 95mg of Vitamin C.
                                • 5kg of Cashew apple = 1.5mg of Vitamin B1.
                                • 375g of Cashew apple = 1.5mg of Vitamin B2.
                                • 3.3kg of Cashew apple = 18mg of vitamin B3.
                                • 22kg of Cashew apple = 1200mg of Calcium.
                                • 3.27kg of Cashew apple = 700mg of Phosphorus.
                                • 2kg of Cashew apple = 15mg of Iron.

                                Health Benefits
                                Visit here for the Health benefits of Cashew Apple 

                                • It is good for Stomach.
                                • It dislodges Kidney Stones.
                                • It prevents Scurvy, Diarrhea and Cholera.
                                • It contains a natural antiseptic (Cadol), which kills germs.
                                • It increases immunity, Prevent Arteriosclerosis, and protects from Stomach Ulcer and Cancer (Vitamin C in Cashew apple is more than that in Oranges).
                                Analysis made in Central America and Cuba.

                                Rose Apple / Wax Apple / Bell Fruit / Wax Jambu

                                The amount of daily nutrients from the amount of Rose apple is given below.
                                • 3.5kg of Rose apple = 12000IU of Vitamin A.
                                • 426g of Rose apple = 95mg of Vitamin C.
                                • 7.5kg of Rose apple = 1.5mg of Vitamin B1.
                                • 5kg of Rose apple = 1.5mg of Vitamin B2.
                                • 2.2kg of Rose apple = 18mg of vitamin B3.
                                • Vitamin K, Vitamin E, Vitamin B5,Vitamin B6,
                                •  Vitamin B9 and Selenium = Data not available.
                                • 4.1kg of Rose apple = 1200mg of Calcium.
                                • 8.4kg of Rose apple = 420mg of Magnesium.
                                • 8.75kg of Rose apple = 700mg of Phosphorus.
                                • 1.5kg of Rose apple = 2000mg of Potassium.
                                • 1.5kg of Rose apple = 3mg of Copper.
                                • 21kg of Rose apple = 15mg of Iron.
                                • 16kg of Rose apple = 5mg of Manganese.
                                • 25kg of Rose apple = 15mg of Zinc.

                                Health Benefits
                                • It can reduce Diabetes.
                                • It can prevent Piles.
                                • It protects from Diarrhea.
                                • It prevents Sterility in Females
                                • It is better to prevent Dysentery and Liver problems.
                                • It increases Immunity (Vitamin C).
                                • It prevents Arteriosclerosis (Vitamin C).
                                • It prevents Stomach from Ulcer and Cancer (Vitamin C).
                                • It controls Heart rate and Blood pressure (Potassium).
                                • It protects from Coronary Heart disease and Stroke (Potassium).
                                • It maintains the Blood production (Copper).

                                  Monday, 19 December 2011


                                  Oranges are rich in Vitamin C, The amount for the daily nutrition is given below.
                                  • 5.3kg of Orange = 12000IU of Vitamin A.
                                  • 12kg of Orange = 22mg of Vitamin E.
                                  • 178g of Orange = 95mg of Vitamin C.
                                  • 6.5kg of Orange = 550mg of Choline.
                                  • 1.6kg of Orange = 1.5mg of Vitamin B1.
                                  • 3.75kg of Orange = 1.5mg of Vitamin B2.
                                  • 6.4kg of Orange = 18mg of Vitamin B3.
                                  • 2kg of Orange = 5mg of Vitamin B5.
                                  • 3.3kg of Orange = 2mg of Vitamin B6.
                                  • 2kg of Orange = 600mcgs of Vitamin B9.
                                  • 3kg of Orange = 1200mg of Calcium.
                                  • 4.2kg of Orange = 420mg of Magnesium.
                                  • 5kg of Orange = 700mg of Phosphorus.
                                  • 1kg of Orange = 2000mg of Potassium.
                                  • 6kg of Orange = 3mg of Copper.
                                  • 15kg of Orange = 15mg of Iron.
                                  • 16kg of Orange = 5mg of Manganese.
                                  • 14kg of Orange = 70mcgs of Selenium.
                                  • 21kg of Orange = 15mg of Zinc.

                                    Health Benefits
                                    • Its rich in Dietary fiber (Pectin), which reduce the Colon cancer by by Laxative action.
                                    • It reduces Blood cholesterol level (Pectin).
                                    • It increases Immunity (Vitamin C).
                                    • It contains Narigenin (flavanoid), Which acts as Antioxidant, Free radical scavenger, Anti-inflammatory, Immune system Modulator, and Reduce Oxidant injury to DNA.
                                    • It ensures healthy Mucus membrane, skin and Vision (Vitamin A).
                                    • It is rich in flavanoids, so helps from Lung and Oral Cancers.
                                    • It ensures good Heart rate and Blood pressure (Potassium).
                                    • It prevents Arteriosclerosis (Vitamin C).
                                    • It protects Sperm cells from genetic damage (VitaminC, antioxidants).
                                    • It reduces the chance of Kidney stone.
                                    • It reduces Ageing.
                                    • It prevents stomach from Ulcer and Cancer (Vitamin C).
                                    • the abundant Polyphenols protect from Viruses.


                                      Dates are delicious. The amount of dates for the daily; maximum amount of  nutrients are given below.
                                      • 8kg of Dates = 12000IU of Vitamin A.
                                      • 22kg of Dates = 22mg of Vitamin E.
                                      • 3kg of Dates = 80mcgs of Vitamin K.
                                      • 23kg of Dates = 95mg of Vitamin C.
                                      • 3kg of Dates = 1.5mg of Vitamin B1.
                                      • 2.5kg of Dates = 1.5 mg of Vitamin B2.
                                      • 1kg of Dates = 18mg of Vitamin B3.
                                      • 602g of Dates = 5mg of Vitamin B5.
                                      • 803g of Dates = 2mg of Vitamin B6.
                                      • 4kg of Dates = 600mcgs of Vitamin B9.
                                      • 1.8kg of Dates = 1200mg of Calcium.
                                      • 777g of Dates = 420mg of Magnesium.
                                      • 1kg of Dates = 700mg of Phosphorus.
                                      • 1kg of Dates = 2000mg of Potassium.
                                      • 30kg of Dates = 300mg of Sodium.
                                      • 828g of Dates = 3mg of Copper.
                                      • 1.5kg of Dates = 15mg of Iron.
                                      • 1.5kg of Dates = 5mg of Manganese.
                                      • 3.4kg of Dates = 15mg of Zinc.
                                      • 2.3kg of Dates = 70mg of Selenium.
                                      Visit here for the Daily Values of Nutrients
                                        Health Benefits

                                        • It revitalizes the body.
                                        • It is rich in dietary fiber, which prevents Dietary LDL Cholesterol absorption in the gut.
                                        • It helps in the rise of Friendly bacteria in the intestine.
                                        • 1kg of Dates can bring about 3000 calories. Which are sufficient to meet the daily requirements of human body.
                                        • It fortifies Heart.
                                        • It prevents Diarrhea. (Potassium controls diarrhea).
                                        • It prevents abdominal Cancer.
                                        • It contains Tannins (flavanoid polyphenolic antioxidants), which is anti-infective, anti-inflammatory and prevent easy bleeding (anti-hemorrhagic).
                                        • Which improves vision, maintains healthy Mucus membranes and Skin and protects from Lung and Oral cancers (Vitamin A).
                                        • It prevents Macular degeneration (Zeaxanthin, a dietary carotenoid).
                                        • It protects from Cancers like colon, prostate, breast, endometrial, lung and pancreatic (Antioxidant flavanoids).
                                        • It increases the Oxygen carrying capacity of Blood (Iron).
                                        • It controls Heart rate and Blood pressure.Offer protection against Coronary heart disease and Stroke (Potassium).
                                        • It maintains the strength of Bone and Teeth, it ensures good Muscle contraction, Blood Clotting and Nerve impulse conduction (Calcium).
                                        • Manganese is rich in Dates, which is used as co-factor for the Superoxide Dismutase (Antioxidant enzyme).
                                        • It maintains the Blood prodection (Copper).
                                        • It ensures the Bone growth (Magnesium).
                                        • It ensure a good metabolism throughout the body.
                                        Visit here for the Health benefits of Dates

                                        source:USDA national nutrient data base.

                                        Saturday, 17 December 2011


                                        Daily Nutritional Requirements and Grapes..
                                        • 18kg of Grapes = 12000 IU of Vitamin A.
                                        • 11.5kg of Grapes = 22mg of Vitamin E.
                                        • 500g of Grapes = 80mcgs of Vitamin K.
                                        • 879g of Grapes = 95mg of Vitamin C.
                                        • 2kg of Grapes = 1.5mg of Vitamin B1.
                                        • 2kg of Grapes = 1.5mg of Vitamin B2.
                                        • 9.5kg of Grapes = 18mg of Vitamin B3.
                                        • 10kg of Grapes = 5mg of Vitamin B5.
                                        • 2.3kg of Grapes = 2mg of Vitamin B6.
                                        • 30kg of Grapes = 600mcgs of Vitamin B9.
                                        • 12kg of Grapes = 1200mg of Calcium.
                                        • 6kg of Grapes = 420mg of Magnesium.
                                        • 1kg of Grapes = 2000mg of Potassium.
                                        • 30kg of Grapes = 300mg of Sodium.
                                        • 2.3kg of Grapes = 3mg of Copper.
                                        • 4kg of Grapes = 15mg of Iron.
                                        • 7kg of Grapes = 5mg of Manganese.
                                        • 21kg of Grapes = 15mg of Zinc.
                                        Visit here for the Daily Values of Nutrients
                                          Health Benefits

                                          • Grapes are rich in Resveratrol (Phytochemical which protects from colon and prostate cancers, Coronary heart disease, Degenerative nerve disease, Alzheimer's disease and Viral/Fungal infections.
                                          • It reduces Stroke (Resveratrol).
                                          • It is used for the cure of Asthma.
                                          • It increases the Nitric oxide levels in blood (Prevent blood clots, and reducing Heart attack).
                                          • It decreases the Acidity of Uric acid which reduces the work pressure of Kidneys.
                                          • It reduces Macular degeneration (an Age related loss of Vision).
                                          • I contains Pterostilbene and Saponins , they reduce Cholesterol.
                                          • It has an Antibacterial property.
                                          • It enhances immunity.

                                            Friday, 16 December 2011


                                            • 10kg of Jackfruit = 12000 IU of Vitamin A.
                                            • 6.4kg of Jackfruit = 22mg of Vitamin E.
                                            • 693g of Jackfruit = 95mg of Vitamin C.
                                            • 1.5kg of Jackfruit = 1.5mg of Vitamin B1
                                            • 2.7kg of Jackfruit = 1.5mg of Vitamin B2.
                                            • 1.9kg of Jackfruit = 18mg of Vitamin B3.
                                            • 607g of Jackfruit = 2mg of Vitamin B6.
                                            • 2.5kg of Jackfruit = 600mcgs of Vitamin B9.
                                            • 3.5kg of Jackfruit = 1200mg of Calcium.
                                            • 1.1kg of Jackfruit = 420mg of Magnesium.
                                            • 3.3kg of Jackfruit = 700mg of Phosphorus.
                                            • 660g of Jackfruit = 2000mg of Potassium.
                                            • 10kg of Jackfruit = 300mg of Sodium.
                                            • 1.5kg of Jackfruit = 3mg of Copper.
                                            • 2.5kg of Jackfruit = 15mg of Iron.
                                            • 11.5g of Jackfruit = 70mg of Selenium.
                                            • 3.5kg of Jackfruit = 15mg of Zinc.
                                            Visit here for the Daily Values of Nutrients

                                              Health Benefits

                                              • Its very Energy giving fruit.
                                              • It is very rich in Dietary fibers, it helps Colon from cancer.
                                              • It prevents antioxidants and helps in vision.
                                              • It maintains the integrity of Mucus membrane and skin.
                                              • It protects from Lung and Oral cancers.
                                              • It maintains good Heart rate and Blood Pressure.
                                              • Prevents Anemia and improves Blood circulation (Iron).
                                              • It have anti cancerous and anti ageing properties.
                                              • It cures Ulcers and Digestive disorders.
                                              • It protects eyes from Night blindness and Macular degeneration.
                                              Visit here for the Health benefits of Jackfruit 


                                                Guava is a Heart Touching Fruit. The amount of Guava for the daily nutritional requirement is given below.
                                                • 1.92kg of Guava = 12000 IU of Vitamin A.
                                                • 3kg of Guava = 22mg of Vitamin E.
                                                • 3kg of Guava = 80mcgs of Vitamin K.
                                                • 75.6g of Guava = 95mg of Vitamin C.
                                                • 2.2kg of Guava = 1.5mg of Vitamin B1.
                                                • 3.75kg of Guava = 1.5mg of Vitamin B2.
                                                • 1.5kg of Guava = 18mg of Vitamin B3.
                                                • 1kg of Guava = 5mg of Vitamin B5.
                                                • 1.8kg of Guava = 2mg of Vitamin B6.
                                                • 1.2kg of Guava = 600mcgs of Vitamin B9.
                                                • 66 kg of Guava = 1200mg of Calcium.
                                                • 1.9kg of Guava = 420mg of Magnesium.
                                                • 6kg of Guava = 700mg of Phosphorus.
                                                • 873g of Guava = 2000mg of Potassium.
                                                • 15kg of Guava = 300mg of Sodium.
                                                • 1.3kg of Guava = 3mg of Copper.
                                                • 3.3kg of Guava = 5mg of Manganese.
                                                • 11.5kg of Guava = 70mcgs of Selenium.
                                                • 6.5kg of Guava = 15mg of Zinc.
                                                Visit here for the Daily Values of Nutrients
                                                  Health Benefits                          
                                                  • Increases immunity.
                                                  • Prevents Cancers.
                                                  • It is an Anti Ageing fruit.
                                                  • It is rich in soluble dietary fibers, So protects and helps Colon from toxic substances.
                                                  • It protects body from free radicals and Infectious agents., It maintains the integrity of Blood vessels, Skin, Organs and Bones by Collagen synthesis (Vitamin C).
                                                  • Maintains Mucus membrane and skin healthy (Vitamin A).
                                                  • It protects from Lung and Oral Cancers (Carotene).
                                                  • It protect Skin damage from UV and prevents Prostate Cancer (Lycopene).
                                                  • It maintains Cell body fluid healthy and control heart rate and blood pressure (Potassium).
                                                  • It maintain the production of Red blood cell and Antioxidant enzyme.

                                                    Thursday, 15 December 2011


                                                    Banana is very common in India. This pauses the amount of banana V/s  .
                                                    • 18.8kg of Banana = 12000 IU of Vitamin A
                                                    • 22kg of Banana = 22mg of Vitamin E
                                                    • 16kg of Banana = 80mcgs of Vitamin K
                                                    • 1kg of Banana = 95mg of Vitamin C
                                                    • 4.8kg of Banana = 1.5mg of Vitamin B1
                                                    • 2kg of Banana = 1.5mg of Vitamin B2
                                                    • 2.7kg of Banana = 18mg of Vitamin B3
                                                    • 1.5kg of Banana = 5mg of Vitamin B5
                                                    • 544g of Banana = 2mg of Vitamin B6
                                                    • 3kg of Banana = 600mcgs of Vitamin B9
                                                    • 24kg of Banana = 1200mg of Calcium
                                                    • 1.5kg of Banana = 420mg of Magnesium
                                                    • 3kg of Banana = 700mg of Phosphorus
                                                    • 558g of Banana = 2000mg of Potassium
                                                    • 3kg of Banana = 300mg of Sodium
                                                    • 3.8kg of Banana = 3mg of Copper
                                                    • 5.8kg of Banana = 15mg of Iron
                                                    • 1.8kg of Banana = 5mg of Manganese
                                                    • 7kg of Banana = 70mcgs of Selenium
                                                    • 10kg of Banana = 15mg of Zinc

                                                       of Banana                
                                                      • It is rich in dietary fiber (2.6g/100g).


                                                      Tomato is a fruit not a vegetable. Amount of Tomatoes for the Daily Nutrition is given below

                                                      • 1.5kg of Tomato = 12000 IU of Vitamin A
                                                      • 4kg of Tomato = 22mg of Vitamin E
                                                      • 1kg of Tomato = 80mcgs of Vitamin K
                                                      • 730g of Tomato = 95mg of Vitamin C
                                                      • 4kg of Tomato = 1.5mg of Vitamin B1
                                                      • 3kg of Tomato = 18mg of Vitamin B3
                                                      • 2.5kg of Tomato = 2mg of Vitamin B6
                                                      • 4kg of Tomato = 600mcgs of Vitamin B9
                                                      • 12kg of Tomato = 1200mg of Calcium
                                                      • 3.8kg of Tomato = 420mg of Magnesium
                                                      • 3kg of Tomato = 700mg of Phosphorus
                                                      • 843g of Tomato = 2000mg of Potassium
                                                      • 6kg of Tomato = 300mg of Sodium
                                                      • 5kg of Tomato = 15mg of Iron
                                                      • 3.3kg of tomato = 5mg of Manganese
                                                      • 8.8kg of Tomato = 15mg of Zinc
                                                      Visit here for the Daily Nutrient Requirements
                                                        Benefits of Tomato

                                                        • Antioxidants in Tomato, prevents cancers including colon, prostate, breast, endometrial, lung, and pancreatic tumors.
                                                        • Phytochemicals and Carotenoids in Tomato Protects body from harmful oxygen free radicals.
                                                        • Lycopene in Tomato prevents skin damage from UV rays and also protect from skin cancers.
                                                        • Zeaxanthin (flavonoid) in Tomato protects eyes from ''age related macular disease'' by filtering UV.
                                                        • Ensures good Vision.
                                                        • Protects Skin and Mucus membrane.
                                                        • Ensures healthy Bone.
                                                        • Flavanoid protects from Lung and Oral cancers.
                                                        • Tomato is rich in Vitamin C, It increases immunity power
                                                        • Tomato is very rich in potassium, It is a constituent in cell body fluids and maintains Heart rate and Blood pressure.

                                                          Wednesday, 14 December 2011


                                                          The Amount of Mangoes need for the daily nutrition.
                                                          • 1.5kg of Mango = 12000 IU of Vitamin A
                                                          • 2kg of Mango = 22.4mg of Vitamin E
                                                          • 2kg of Mango = 84mcg of Vitamin K
                                                          • 342g of Mango = 95mg of Vitamin C
                                                          • 2.5kg of Mango = 1.5mg of Vitamin B1
                                                          • 2.5kg of Mango = 1.5mg of Vitamin B2
                                                          • 3kg of Mango = 18mg of Vitamin B3
                                                          • 3kg of Mango = 5mg of Vitamin B5
                                                          • 1.5kg of Mango = 2mg of Vitamin B6
                                                          • 4kg of Mango = 600mcgs of Vitamin B9
                                                          • 12kg of Mango = 1200mg of Calcium
                                                          • 4.5kg of Mango = 420mg of Magnesium
                                                          • 1.3kg of Mango = 2000mg of Potassium
                                                          • 15kg of Mango = 300mg of Sodium
                                                          • 2.72kg of Mango = 3mg of Copper
                                                          • 11.5kg of Mango = 15mg of Iron
                                                          • 18.5kg of Mango = 5mg of Manganese
                                                          • 37.5kg of Mango = 15mg of Zinc

                                                          Visit here for the Daily Nutrient Requirements

                                                          'No side effect' is an advantage of a Fruit.

                                                          Health Benefits           

                                                          • It protects against colon, breast, leukemia and prostate cancers.
                                                          • Its antioxidant property is essential for vision.
                                                          • It maintains mucus membrane and skin healthy.
                                                          • Protects from Lung, Oral cancers.
                                                          • It maintains heart rate and blood pressure.
                                                          • It helps GABA hormone production in brain.
                                                          • It prevents from CAD and Stroke.
                                                          • It enhance the production of Red blood cells.
                                                          • Mango peels are rich in phytonutrients.


                                                          Amount of papayas for Our daily Requirements

                                                          • 1kg Papaya = 10900IU of Vitamin A [ Its 10000IU/day for adult males. 8000 for adult females. 12000 if lactating (use 1.5kg{16350IU}). 4000 for children ages 1-3. 5000 for children ages 4-6. 7000 for children ages 7-10]
                                                          • 3kg Papaya = 22mg of Vitamin E [its 22mg/day for most adults. Children need between 6-11 mg/day]
                                                          • 3kg Papaya = 78mcgs of Vitamin K [its 70-80 for adult males. 60-65 for adult females. about its half for children]
                                                          • 200g Papaya = 123.6mg of Vitamin C [its 90mg for men. 75mg for women. 95mg if lactating. 45-50mg for children]
                                                          • 6.2kg Papaya = 1.7mg of Vitamin B1 [its 1.2mg for adult males. 1.1mg for women. 1.5mg if lactating. 0.6-0.9mg for children.]
                                                          • 4kg Papaya = 1.5mg of Vitamin B2 [its 1.3mg for adult males. 1.1mg for women. 1.5mg if pregnant/lactating. 0.6-0.9mg for children]
                                                          • 5.3kg Papaya = 18mg of Vitamin B3 [its 16mg for adult males.14mg for women. 17-18mg if pregnant/lactating. 
                                                          • 3.2kg Papaya = 7mg of Vitamin B5 [its 5mg for adults. 6-7mg for pregnant/lactating women. 2-4mg for children]
                                                          • 10.5kg Papaya = 2mg of Vitamin B6 [its 1.3-1.7 mg for adults. 2mg for women who are pregnant/lactating. 0.6-1.3mg for children]
                                                          • 1.6kg Papaya = 600mcgs of Vitamin B9 [its 400 for adults.600 for pregnant women. atleast 500 for lactating women. 150-300mcgs for children]
                                                          • 5kg Papaya = 1200mg Calcium [its 1000-1200mg for both men and women]
                                                          • 4.2 kg Papaya = 420mg Magnesium [its 400-420mg for men. 310-320 for women]
                                                          • 1.4kg Papaya = 700mg Phosphorus [its 700mg for both men and women]
                                                          • 778g Papaya = 2000mg Potassium [its 2000mg for both men and women]
                                                          • 10kg Papaya = 300mg Sodium [its common for both men and women]
                                                          • 15kg Papaya = 15mg Iron [its 10-15mg for both men and women]
                                                          • 21.4kg Papaya = 15mg Zinc [its 15mg for men. 12mg for women]
                                                          Extra things
                                                          • Beta carotene = 276mcgs / 100g
                                                          • Beta Crypto Xanthin = 761mcgs/100g
                                                          • Lutein Zeaxanthin = 75mcgs/100g
                                                          • Dietary Fiber = 1.80g/100g
                                                          • Protein = 0.61g/100g
                                                          • Cholesterol = 0
                                                          • Carbohydrates = 9.81g/100g
                                                          • Energy = 39Kcal/100g
                                                          Health Benefits     
                                                          Visit here for the health benefits of Papaya

                                                          Visit here for the Daily Nutrient Requirements