Friday, 3 January 2014

What is Polycythemia ?

Polycythemia is a condition where haemoglobin (Hb) level increases above 14gm in 100gm blood. The normal Hb level is 12gm to 14gm /100gm of blood.


  • Always feel Weariness.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Dizziness.
  • Blood vessel disruption.

Cause of Polycythemia according to Modern Medicine

  • There’s no specific causes indicated by Modern Medicine.

Treatments provided by Modern Medicine

  • The Nature of approach by Modern Medicine is the same for all diseases (Heal the symptom not the Cause).
  • Removal of blood from the body for balancing Hb level, it will repeat till the end.
For a blood cancer patient, they will inject blood to the body during certain periods. This somebody’s blood injection will reduce patient’s life span.

Reason behind Polycythemia

Polycythemia (Every diseases) is (are) related with food and lifestyle.


  • Eat food 3 times a day. In that, 2 times must be only with Fruits + Nuts.
  • Use meal contains Grain once a day. In that, 1/3 portion should be of raw Vegetables (carrot, tomato, cucumber, beetroot, little gourd etc) + 1/3 of Grain + 1/3 of cooked Vegetables and butter milk.
  • Do fasting once a week with coconut water/fruits.
  • Take holy basil + bael + Indian doab + gourd juice once a week.
  • Do not use Milk, Curd, Fish, Flesh, Egg, Coffee, Tea, Bakery Items, Sugar, Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil.


The above mentioned lifestyle will make a slim and fit body without Polycythemia. There’s no more blood removal is needed.
          If above mentioned theory is wrong, how diseases get cure? If it’s right, then why don’t you start a vegetarian life yet? Think about it..

obligation: CRR Varma's Kadina rogangalum prakruthi chikithsayum.


  1. Do you mean cure as in getting the body to make blood in the right amount like it use to?
