Monday, 2 April 2012

Health Benefits

 is Energy. The human body requires energy for a variety of activities such as breathing, pumping blood, walking, sitting, thinking, etc. Every action that you perform requires a certain amount of energy. Even when the body is at rest, it still requires energy, albeit at a lower amount, to ensure that circulation and respiration is maintained. Energy is also expended to maintain the body at the optimum temperature for survival. Young children and infants also require energy to aid their body’s growth process.

Protein Repairs body cells, Build and repair muscles and bones, Provide a source of energy, Control many of the important processes in the body related to metabolism etc.

The principal benefit of carbs is easily-obtained energy in the form of glucose. It is benefit for muscle tissue, that is the availability of carbohydrate energy prevents the body from breaking down muscle tissue for fuel. The carbohydrates in Dietary fibers (insoluble) benefits digestion by stimulating peristalsis. Certain carbohydrates benefit digestion by providing nutrients for healthy bacteria in the gut. In addition, carbohydrates may benefit calcium levels by increasing calcium absorption from food. Creating adenosine triphosphate (ATP) etc.

Monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats are known as the “good fats” because they are good for heart, your cholesterol, and your overall health.
Saturated fats and trans fats are known as the “bad fats” because they increase the risk of disease and elevate cholesterol.
Low-fat diets are not always effective because your body needs essential fats to absorb fat-soluble vitamins, which help with weight loss and maintenance.

Individuals with high intakes of dietary fiber appear to be at significantly lower risk for developing coronary heart disease, stroke, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, and certain gastrointestinal diseases. Increasing fiber intake lowers blood pressure and serum cholesterol levels. Increased intake of soluble fiber improves glycemia and insulin sensitivity in non-diabetic and diabetic individuals. It enhances weight loss. Increased fiber intake benefits a number of gastrointestinal disorders including the following: gastroesophageal reflux disease, duodenal ulcer, diverticulitis, constipation, and hemorrhoids. Dietary fiber intake provides similar benefits for children as for adults.
Vitamin A ensures Good immunity, Healthy Eyes, Soft and Supple skin, Stronger Bones and Teeth, Repair and Replace of Old Tissues and healthy Reproductive System. prevents Urinary Stones, Muscular Dystrophy, Acne, Certain Cancers, Ageing and Lowers Cholesterol.

Vitamin B1 involves in Energy production, Development of Myelin sheaths, Ensures proper Cardiac functions, Prevents Cataracts, reduces the effects of Ageing, Ensures proper digestion, prevents Alzheimer's disease, improves Memory, helps in the production of Blood cells and improve Appetite.

Vitamin B2 helps in the production of Energy in body, RBC production, regulates Growth and Reproduction, regulates Thyroid activity, prevents Acne, Increases Immunity, helps in the Repair of Tissues, protects Nervous system, ensures healthy Eyes, Slow down the progression of AIDS, helps in the Absorption of Minerals and Vitamins, protects Digestive tract and helps in the healthy development of Fetus.

Vitamin B3 ensures good Digestion, converts proteins, carbohydrates, fats into Energy, reduces Bad cholesterol (LDL) and increases Good Cholesterol (HDL),  prevents Pellagra, helps to make Sex related hormones, good for Mental health, It is good for Diabetic patients.
Vitamin B5 acts as Synthesizer, Busts Stress, cares Heart, prevents Ageing (good for Skin and Hair), Builds Stamina, Its Water Soluble (it do not add toxic substance to body), boosts Immune system, It helps to relieve human body from Asthma, Autism candedeases, Parkinson's disease, Premenstrual syndromes etc., enhances Hemoglobin level in body, Assists Liver in Metabolism against Toxic Substances, Fuels Cell division and DNA reproduction.

Vitamin B6 participates in coenzyme activities, improve Immune system, needs in Metabolism, controls Hormone, maintains healthy skin, good for Heart and Kidney etc.

Vitamin B7 acts as a Catalyst in Metabolisms, ensure healthy Skin and Hair, maintains healthy Tissues, reduces Weight,ensures proper functioning of Heart, acts as a Synthesizer of some Vital components like fatty acids, amino acids etc., maintains Blood sugar etc.

Vitamin B9 improves the working of Human Heart, reduces the chance of Stroke, reducing the occurrence of Cancers, restricts the defects in Pregnancy and Birth of a child, Builds Muscles, enhances Cells, performs as a co-enzyme in DNA synthesis, improves the Hemoglobin level in body, reduces Mental and Emotional disorders.
Vitamin B12 helps in Cell maintenance, helps in DNA formation, Improves Stamina, reduces the level of Cholesterol, help in the treatment of Sickle Cell Anemia, Alzheimer's disease, Anemia and Breast cancer.

Vitamin C boosts Immunity, It protects from Free radicals, It protects from Scurvy, Heart disease, Stroke and Cancers like Lung, Mouth, Throat, Colon, Stomach and Esophagus, It lowers Blood pressure, It prevents Atherosclerosis, High Cholesterol, Congestive Heart Failure and Angina Pectoris, It lowers the Lead Toxicity (increasing Lead leads to Low IQ, High Blood pressure and Kidney damages).

Vitamin D cures Rickets and Osteomalacia, Protects against Peripheral Arterial Disease, Cuts the risk of Cancer, Reduces bone fractures, helps in the treatment of Rachitic rosary.

Vitamin E prevents Cancer and other Chronicle diseases due to Free radicals, Improving Metabolism and Immune system, It prevents from Certain Heart diseases, ensures Better Eye-lens Clarity and prevents Cataracts.

Vitamin K regulates Blood Clotting, prevents Osteoporosis, reduces Excessive Menstrual flow, reduce Internal Bleeding, reduces Menstrual Pain, good for Pregnant women who Suffers Vomiting and Nausea, prevents Hemorrhage in Babies, prevents Biliary Obtrusion, correct Digestive and Immune system, regulates Blood Sugar, increases the Flow of Urine, enhances the functioning of Liver, reduces Fracture, Maintains Strong Bone in Elders etc.
Calcium strengthens Bones, Prevents Obesity, Protects Cardiac Muscles, Prevents Colon Cancer, Prevents Premenstrual Syndromes, Dietary Calcium Decreases the chance of Kidney Stone, Ensures the Healthy Alkaline PH level, Controls Blood pressure.

Magnesium prevents Asthma, ensures Healthy Bones, essential during Pregnancy, reduces Back pain and Cramps, prevents Heart attack, prevents Constipation, prevents Diabetes, cures Psychiatric disorders, cures Migraine, produces Collagen, Absorbs Minerals (Na, Ca, K & P), boosts the Energy production in the body, controls Bladder problems etc.

Phosphorus makes Bone formation and growth, Prevents Osteoporosis, It fueling the digestion of Vitamin B2 and B3, Keeping Kidneys in normal condition, It removes Weakness, Numbness and Fatigue, Maintains proper Brain Functions, Protein formation, Hormone balancing, Cell repair etc.

Potassium prevents Stroke, maintain Blood sugar, maintains Muscle function and Optimal nerve, Reduces muscle Cramps, very related to Brain functions like Memory, Learning and Electrical conductivity, It maintains Blood pressure and Heart rate, acts as Stress buster, good for Heart and Kidney, regulates Water balance and Boosting Nervous system.

Sodium is need For Water balance, prevents Sunstroke, edible for Brain functioning, prevents Muscle Cramps, Anti ageing factor, eliminates excess Carbon dioxide, maintains Glucose absorption, Maintains acid-base balance, Regulation of fluids, Ion balancing and maintains healthy Heart.

Copper is good for Muscles, ensures Proper Growth, Helps in Pigmentation to Hair and Eyes, Essential for the production of Connective Tissues, Essential for Brain Stimulation, helps in the Absorption of Iron from Intestine, helps in the Utilization of Sugar in the body, It needs for the proper enzymatic reactions, helps in Stalling Ageing, increases Energy production, good for Thyroid glands, helps in the production of RBC, Hemoglobin and Bone, good for Immunity and reduces Bad Cholesterol.

Iron is in the formation of Hemoglobin, Supplies Oxygen for Muscle contraction, important for Brain Development and Function, prevents Restless Leg syndrome, Regulating body Temperature, Carries Oxygen, Prevents Anemia, Provides strength to the Immune system etc.

Manganese ensures Healthy Bones, controls Free radicals, controls the Sugar level, prevents Epilepsy, Important for Metabolisms (cholesterol, amino acids, carbohydrates, Vitamin E and Vitamin B1), it is a remedy for Inflammation and Sprains, prevents Osteoporosis, helps the Absorption of Vitamin E, B and Magnesium, ensures healthy Brain and Nervous System, aids the Glucose Metabolism etc.

Selenium is a powerful anti oxidant, which prevents certain type of Cancers, it prevents hardening of Arteries, keeps skin looking Young, aids pregnant women with health Fetus development, good for Pancreas, increases Sperm production (Se & Vit.E are good for prostate), prevents Cataracts, boosts Immunity etc.

Zinc is good for skin (cure Pimples, Eczema and Acne), heal Wounds, good for Prostate, Plays a leading role in Weight loss, it is essential for the Function and Repair of DNA, it is essential during Pregnancy, It is very related with Reproduction, boosts Immunity, ensures Physical growth, controls Diabetes, it protects from Infectious Disorders, It acts as an Antioxidant, reduces Chronic Fatigue, It prevents Alopecia (hair losing disorder), It strengthens Bone, good for Eye etc.

Chloride maintains the balance of the fluid, make the PH of the system Neutralized. maintains Blood pressure, prevents Hypokalemic metabolic alkalosis, etc.

Sulfur is good for Skin and hair, helps in the production of Collagen, helps in the protection of Joints etc.
Boron prevents Arthritis, reduces Severity of Rheumatoid Arthritis, enhances the Testosterone levels in body, helps in Bone building, helps in the production of Estrogen, ensures proper Embryonic development, prevents post Menopausal osteoporosis, helps to maintain proper Cell membrane function, helps in preventing Blood Clots, reduces congestive heart failure conditions, Lowers plasma lipid levels, decreases the severity of Fungal diseases, improves Brain function and cognitive performance, It serves as enzyme inhibitors etc.

Chromium decreases Blood Sugar, decreases LDL (bad cholesterol) and increases HDL (good cholesterol), decreases Blood pressure, decreasing the risk of Heart disease and Stroke, decrease body fat, increases lean body mass etc.

Cobalt acts in the body with the association of Vitamin B12 and C, Helps in the Heart's health, helps in Iron absorption, etc.

Fluoride ensures healthy Teeth and Bones

Iodine controls the basic metabolic Rates, maintains Energy levels in the Body, ensures healthy Nail, Hair and Skin, ensures the normal growth and maturity of reproductive Organs, acts as a relief for Fibrocystic disease, programmed cell death, has Anti-Cancer Properties, removes Toxic Chemicals, good for Thyroid etc.

Molybdenum prevents Anemia, acts as anti Cancer for stomach and esophagus, prevents Tooth decay, detoxifies preservatives and sulfites, helps in the metabolization of Fats and Carbohydrates etc.

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