Cooked Parsnips V/s Daily Nutrients
- 1kg of Parsnips = 710kcal.
- 1kg of Parsnips = 13.2g of Protein.
- 21.7kg of Parsnips = 65g of Total Fat.
- 1.8kg of Parsnips = 300g of Total Carbohydrate.
- 694g of Parsnips = 25g of Dietary Fiber.
- 40kg of Parsnips = 20g of Saturated Fat.
- 2.2kg of Parsnips = 22mg of Vitamin E.
- 8kg of Parsnips = 80mcgs of Vitamin K.
- 731g of Parsnips = 95mg of Vitamin C.
- 1.8kg of Parsnips = 1.5mg of Vitamin B1.
- 3.3kg of Parsnips = 1.7mg of Vitamin B2.
- 2.8kg of Parsnips = 20mg of Vitamin B3.
- 1.7kg of Parsnips = 10mg of Vitamin B5.
- 2.2kg of Parsnips = 2mg of Vitamin B6.
- 1kg of Parsnips = 600mcgs of Vitamin B9.
- 2.7kg of Parsnips = 1000mg of Calcium.
- 1.4kg of Parsnips = 420g of Magnesium.
- 1.4kg of Parsnips = 1000mg of Phosphorus.
- 954g of Parsnips = 3500mg of Potassium.
- 24kg of Parsnips = 2400mg of Sodium.
- 2.2kg of Parsnips = 3mg of Copper.
- 3.1kg of Parsnips = 18mg of Iron.
- 1.7kg of Parsnips = 5mg of Manganese.
- 4.1kg of Parsnips = 70mcgs of Selenium.
- 5.8kg of Parsnips = 15mg of Zinc
Health Benefits of Parsnips (Cooked)
Cooked Parsnips are good in Dietary Fiber, Total Carbohydrate, Vitamin C, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B9, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium and Manganese

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