Nobody in the world likes to die early, but that happen to them unfortunately. Some of the death factors may not be changeable, but most of them are due to our ignorance. If we realize the hidden (open, but hidden for human due ignorance) truth, we can make our life excellent. I will come to the point.
What are the essential parts of our life? I think your answers are these, Food, Water, Air, Residence, Clothing, etc.
Now I show you the priority.
The 4th place for Residence & Clothing (we can live even without it.)
The 3rd place for Water (It doesn’t irritate if we take the right food.)
The 2nd place is for Food (Our basement is on & in it.)
The 1st place is for Air (No life without it.)
If you want to live long, you first ensure good Air & Food. Others also take part with it.
Humans respires about 80000 a day. If bad air takes part in each respiration, lead to damage of cells and this lead damage to tissue and also the body.
Food is placed 2, but it can be taken to 1st at several instants. Science says Human is very much related to Monkey in several ways. Monkeys are mostly fruit eaters. Our digestive system is same as of vegetarians. The absence of sharpened nails and teeth justify the above statement. No one can imagine of eating non cooked flesh. So basically humans are vegetarians.
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