Sunday, 7 July 2013


  • Pumpkins are Cucurbita genus and Cucurbitaceae family.
  • The word Pumpkin originates from the Greek word "Pepon".
  • The origin of Pumpkins is not definitely known, but they are thought to have originated in North America.
  • The largest Pumpkins are Cucurbita Maxima, they weight over 34kgs.
  • Pumpkins are monoecious, having both male and female flowers on the same plant.
  • The main Nutrients in Pumpkin are lutein and both alpha and beta carotene.
  • Of the seven continents, only Antarctica is unable to produce Pumpkins.
  • Pumpkins are a warm-weather crop.
  • Honeybee's play a significant role in the fertilization of Pumpkins.

100g of Raw Pumpkin V/s (with % of Daily Values)

100g of Cooked Pumpkin V/s (with % of Daily Values)

  of Pumpkin

  • It's an excellent source of Zea-xanthin, which protects eyes from UV rays and protects from Age related macular disease. 
  • Raw Pumpkins have more amount of nutrients than in Cooked Pumpkins.  

Famous Pumpkin Dishes

  • Halawa yaqtin (Middle East).
  • Kadu ka halwa (India).
  • Tempura (Japan).
  • Dessert (Thai Land).